1. What is the Daily Gwinnetian?

We get this question quite frequently. Here at the Daily Gwinnetian (pronounced 'gwi-knee-shun'), we report on anything and everything that captures the true essence of Gwinnett life. 

We don't subscribe to the usual "if it bleeds it leads" philosophy of local journalism, which typically focuses on the most recent shooting, carjacking, or housefire, and we skip the politics that dominate much of the journalistic landscape, preferring instead to bring you local news you can relate to.

Everything you read at the Daily Gwinnetian is not only based in reality but also right here in Gwinnett, or pretty close by. We operate with limited staff and a shoestring budget, but we scour the county top to bottom and side to side to bring you all the news you didn't know you needed to know.
