Gwinnett County Rebrand Still Confusing Some Gwinnetians

Although Gwinnett County's rebrand is now five years strong, many Gwinnetians remain oblivious to its meaning, or even to the fact that Gwinnett has a brand, despite the fact that countless tax dollars and labor hours have gone into designing the new Gwinnett logo and replacing all county signage with the colorful emblem.

We asked The Man On The Street for his thoughts on the matter, and he responded, "To be honest, the first time I saw one of those signs, I thought it was the Google headquarters or maybe we were getting the Olympics or something."

Shown above, a typical county sign post-rebrand showing the vibrant color wheel logo that continues to befuddle some locals. We went to the 'Our Brand' section of the Gwinnett County website for some clarification and found the following:

We were unable to get a further statement from The Man On The Street because, upon showing him the website, he began laughing uncontrollably, though it is unclear which part he found so humorous.
