Today we say happy birthday to Gwinnett's largest and newest city, home of the Harlem Globetrotters, which was incorporated on this date way back in 2012. Before 2020 was the apocalypse, 2012 was supposed to be the year it all ended. Remember the Mayan calendar and the John Cusack disaster film?
Unfortunately nothing that exciting happened, so on July 1, 2012 we settled for the consolation prize - the birth of Peachtree Corners. Peachtree Corners boasts a human population of over 40,000, but we're wondering just how many peach trees there are, and if they can be found on any corners around the booming metropolis.
Seen above, a typical corner in Peachtree Corners, noticeably devoid of peach trees. In fact, we were unable to locate a single peach tree in Peachtree Corners, much less one on an actual corner. You may be aware that the metro Atlanta area has at least 71 streets using the word 'peachtree', which is 71 more than the number of peach trees we actually located, but according to Atlanta Magazine and Georgia Public Broadcasting, the over-usage of peach tree may have just been a mistaken translation of pitch tree, another word for pine tree in the 1800s, so perhaps Pitchtree Corners would be a more accurate appellation.
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