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Black and White Houses Surely the 2020s Version of Popcorn Ceilings
Black and white houses such as the example in Buford shown above have proven popular with many Gwinnetians seeking fresh living quarters. The design has been ubiquitous in recent years, with seemingly every new construction featuring the contrasting color palette. We asked The Man On The Street for his thoughts, and he offered the following assessment. "They seem to be really popular with the same crowd that decorates with word art from Hobby Lobby, you know, like labelling your kitchen with a big faux-rustic sign that says 'Kitchen'. I just think maybe 20 years from now we're going to look at this the same way we do popcorn ceilings and wood paneling now."
In what may be a connected series of events, we checked three local Hobby Lobbys, and all were sold out of "Live, Laugh, Love" plaques.
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