Mulberry Secession Imminent

Discontent in the northeastern sector of our fair county has led to calls for the creation of a new city named Mulberry, drawing its name from picturesque Little Mulberry Park, which is located off Hog Mountain Road, though for reasons we at the Daily Gwinnetian are unaware, 'Hog Mountain' was apparently ruled out when considering names for the new township. 

Proposals have been introduced in both the State House and Senate to put a Mulberry referendum on the fall ballot, which would let voters decide the new city's fate. We asked The Man On The Street how he felt about it and he responded, "The Mulberry Movement's time has come. Far too long have we Northeasterners been trampled beneath the iron-shod jackboots of Gwinnett bureaucracy, much in the same way that hoards of outsiders daily trample our world-class disc golf course. But we will no longer go gentle into that good night; give me Mulberry or give me death!"

Seen above is a map of ground zero in the fight for northeastern Gwinnetian liberty, the hallowed Little Mulberry Hog Mountain disc golf course, considered sacred ground among our more provincial brothers and sisters, many of whom are more than ready to give the last full measure of devotion if necessary for its preservation. For a full breakdown, head over to our friends at Fox 5 who first broke the story:
