Grayson Clock Tower More Like a Clock Turret

When you think of the word 'tower', what comes to mind? The Eiffel Tower? The Leaning Tower of Pisa? The Tower of London? The Grayson Clock Tower? One of these things is perhaps not like the others, so we stopped by today to see how the Grayson Clock Tower stacks up against some better known monuments. First, the big three:

Tower of London: 89 feet tall
Leaning Tower of Pisa: 186 feet tall
Eiffel Tower: 1,084 feet tall

We didn't bring our tape measure, but just eyeballing it the Grayson Clock Tower looks to be about three Ariana Grandes tall. Last we checked, Ariana Grande is 5'1" give or take, so that would put the Grayson Clock Tower right around 15 feet, well short of any sort of towering expectations. Therefore, we motion that the Grayson Clock Tower be henceforth referred to as the Grayson Clock Turret.

Source: Merriam-Webster

