1. The Speed Limit
Some parking lots in Gwinnett have posted speed limits, usually 5 to 10 miles per hour, while others misguidedly rely solely on common sense. Regardless, most Gwinnetians, long known for their independent mindset, tend to ignore any and all speed recommendations.
2. Direction of Travel
Parking lots often have arrows and/or angled parking spaces to indicate which direction you should be driving. Gwinnetians are famous for thinking outside the box, so they usually ignore these and will often travel in the opposite direction of what is expected.
3. Parking Your Automobile
Reverse parking is both time-consuming and inefficient, which probably explains why it is so popular among Gwinnetians. It's not uncommon to see someone attempt to reverse park two or three times and still miss the spot. Take as long as you need when parking, and consider the lines more of a suggestion than a rule.
You may have noticed something similar to the pathway shown above, which is a pedestrian crosswalk. Most Gwinnetians prefer to forge their own pathways, so crosswalks are largely ignored by all parties, whether on foot or in vehicles.
Now you know, and as G. I. Joe used to say, knowing is half the battle. Check out our PSA on driving in Gwinnett County for more tips.
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