We had originally planned this only as a Destination Alert promoting the nearby hamlet of Carl, home of She Shed Designs - your one stop shop for children's clothing, furniture restoration, antiques, custom embroidery, and U-Haul rentals - seen below.
However, our journalistic shovels uncovered far more in Carl than we could ever have anticipated. Hold on to your hats, ladies and gents, you'll want to be sitting down for this one. Carl was originally in Gwinnett County. As you can see on the map below, published in 1869, Auburn was well within the confines of Gwinnett, and though Carl is not on the map, it is a literal stone's throw from the Auburn city limits, and thus also within the original Gwinnett County lines. You can even clearly see the fork in modern Highway 29/Carl-Bethlehem Road, which creates downtown Carl, on the old map.
Winder, visible in the map's far right corner, was originally located simultaneously in Gwinnett, Jackson, and Walton Counties - so we will table our discussion of Winder ownership for a later date. Carl and Auburn however, were clearly ours.
So how on earth did we lose Carl and Auburn, you ask? Fellow Gwinnetians, this will be hard to hear, but they were stolen from us in a 1914 land-grab by the Georgia State Legislature to create Barrow County. The map below shows the post-grab boundaries:
The crime may have been committed over a century ago, but the effects continue to this day. Imagine what strides the Auburnians and Carlites could have made with access to the resources of a world-class county like Gwinnett as opposed to being relegated to the provincial backwaters of Barrow County. The time has come to reclaim our lost brothers and sisters, to bring them back with a warm Gwinnetian embrace. Let's send a clear message to the Barrow land-grabbers that this aggression will not stand with the #justiceforCarl movement, because what's done in the dark always comes to light, and justice never sleeps.
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Keep it classy, Gwinnett. This is not a political forum, nor is it place for intolerance or crude behavior of any sort. We are all in this together, so just enjoy the ride.