It's Wednesday, my dudes, and that means it's time for a trip to the Park Avenue Thrift Outlet on Clayton Street in Lawrenceville. What is Park Avenue Thrift Outlet, you ask? It is none other than the dumping ground for everything that can't be sold ... at a Park Avenue Thrift store.
That's right, my dudes, if it goes unsold at any of the Gwinnett-area Park Avenue Thrift stores or doesn't meet their rigorous pre-owned merchandise standards, it winds up at the Park Avenue Thrift Outlet. Use your imagination and think of the wares that are unfit for a Park Avenue Thrift, then go lower.
But why Wednesday, you ask? That, my dudes, is because the outlet uses flat rate pricing. Everything in the store is the same price! The price varies by day, for example on Saturday everything is $1.75, but on Wednesday, every item in the store is 25 CENTS!
No, I am not making this up, and here's what we bought for a quarter today (edited for those with delicate sensibilities):
Note for long-term Gwinnetians: You may remember that the Park Avenue Thrift Outlet on Clayton was once a thrift store called Metro Thrift. The Park Avenue Thrift tags are the same style and handwriting as the old Metro Thrift tags, so I believe there was some sort of hostile takeover. If you have any information on the Gwinnett Thrift Wars of the early 2000s, please drop us a line.
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