Somebody's Dead in Snellville

Not a real somebody. Well, there is probably somebody dead in Snellville right now but that's not what we're talking about. Imagine our sheer delight when we discovered this wonderful little murder mystery by Patricia Houck Sprinkle, set in the town where everybody's somebody.

Published in 1992, the description found on the back cover still rings true. If you put a gun to our head, we would be hard-pressed to write a better account of Snellville than, "The small Georgia town does little more than straggle along the Atlanta-Athens Highway in an endless chain of national franchises." 

Somebody's Dead in Snellville also features a surprisingly accurate prognostication about the future state of Gwinnett County, shown below. If only Mrs. Sprinkle could see us now.

And as if we weren't completely in love already, the book is dedicated to none other than the man himself:

Gwinnetians, we know you are absolutely dying to read this incredible slice of Gwinnetiana, so we are GIVING this copy away to the first person who (a.) comments on this post and (b.) shares our site on whatever social media site they frequent most. We'll even pay the postage. 
