After-School Program Has Students Gasping for More

School's back in, and if you know anything about Gwinnett County Public Schools, you know they love acronyms and abbreviations. GCPS is constantly referring to things like IEPs for SLDs, SPED and LRE accommodations, WIDA indicators for ELLs, PBIS and SEL initiatives, RTI for struggling students, and even classes like SS, FL, and ELA. However, our favorite educational acronym would have to be GASP! - the Georgia After School Program!

Do you have a student who needs something to do after school? Something to keep them busy besides video games (gasp!), tiktoks (gasp!), vaping (gasp!), or general juvenile delinquency (gasp!)? Well look no further, just scan that QR code and get them registered with the Georgia After School Program (GASP!) today!
