Cybertruck Nesting Ground Discovered at Gwinnett Place Mall

Gwinnetians, we are thrilled to report that the introduction of Cybertrucks to the Gwinnett ecosystem has been a resounding success. Not only have Cybertrucks been spotted around the county in the wild, they have now established a nesting site in the Gwinnett Place Mall parking lot, and appear to be actively breeding. 

If you wish to observe these beautiful creatures in their new habitat, we ask that you:

1. Look, but don't touch.
2. Observe from a distance, but don't disturb the nesting area. 

Not much is currently known about Cybertruck behavior in the wild, so if you are lucky enough to spot one around town, admire its beauty but do not engage. They are probably more scared of you than you are of them, but let's not risk human or cyber injury until we understand this mysterious species more fully, and allow time for the Cybertrucks to acclimate to Gwinnett life.
