PSA: Y'all Have Got to Stop Doing This

Were you aware that Lawrenceville's nickname is the Crepe Myrtle City? That's right Gwinnetians, and the nickname even dates back to the early 1800s, before the town was officially named in honor of James Lawrence, the captain who famously said "Don't give up the ship!" in the War of 1812, which is perhaps our most lazily named war. 

Were you aware that you don't have to prune your crepe myrtles into oblivion each year? We're not sure how this trend got started, but much like reverse parking, it makes no sense and is also exceedingly popular in Gwinnett County.

If you have crepe myrtles in your yard, there are plenty of resources online to show you how to properly trim them. There are also various parking tutorials if you are unable to drive forward into a parking space, and then back out of it when you are ready to leave.
