There May Be a Women's Football Team in Duluth

If you had told us yesterday there is a women's football team in Duluth, we'd have probably believed you because we're pretty gullible, but it turns out there actually is a women's football team in Duluth. 

Sort of. 

Our story begins in 2009, with the formation of the LFL, or Lingerie Football League. Yes, we are serious. And no, they didn't play in lingerie, but the uniforms were rather revealing.

Disclaimer: salacious content follows.

Somehow, women playing football in bikinis was not the overnight sensation you might have expected. In 2013 the LFL (Lingerie Football League) was rebranded as the LFL (Legends Football League). The new LFL proved to be just as short of legends and clothing as the old LFL, and in 2019 announced there would not be a 2020 season, an announcement mourned by several people in the sporting community. 

As things tended to do in the pandemic era, 2020 quietly turned into 2021 and another lost year for literally dozens of women's football fans. For reasons we don't fully understand, 2022 saw the LFL resurrected and rebranded as X League football, not to be confused with the XFL that was founded in 2020 by disgraced wrestling executive Vince McMahon. 

The X League's inaugural season culminated in an X Cup championship victory by the Chicago Blitz, a team we are certain you had never heard of until about three seconds ago.

Unrelated - Vince McMahon's XFL folded in 2023 and merged with the USFL.

Related - the X League is owned by none other than MIKE DITKA. 

Yes, that Mike Ditka. AKA God.

You might be wondering who won the 2023 X Cup? No one. There was not a 2023 season. You might be wondering who the 2024 contenders are? None. There is no 2024 season. But ... 

... wait for it ...

... there might, perhaps, possibly be a 2025 season. Click here and you can catch up with our very own Atlanta Empire, who could, conceivably, perchance, make Mike Ditka (God) proud, bring home the X Cup, and win the undying admiration of tens of Gwinnetians.

Disclaimer: as difficult as it is to believe, every word of this article is true.
