Local Boy Hoping to Bring Home the Gold

While much of our sporting attention has been directed at the 2024 Olympics debacle in Paris, there are plenty of other competitions underway closer to home, perhaps most notably the annual USA Mullet Championship.

If you haven't been following the USAMC closely (and why haven't you?), you might have missed Forsyth County 6th grader Patrick Hayes, who is currently ranked in the top 100 nationwide and gunning for a spot in the top 25. 

Now that Paris has become the center of the sporting universe, the old canard the US has no culture has come to the forefront once more. To that we say "oui oui baguette fromage s'il vous plait", which we believe is a traditional French greeting typically accompanied by the white flag of surrender, and we humbly present the USA Mullet Championship as evidence that, not only do we have culture, but it is alive and thriving, often behind a pair of Oakley Razors.
