Our more loyal readers (all three of you) may have noticed that our daily articles here at the Daily Gwinnetian have trailed off a bit recently, and we'd like to apologize, but we've been busy. As you can clearly see above, we happened to strike gold on the way to work recently. They say you're more likely to get struck by lightning than you are to win the lottery, but lightning's got to come down somewhere, and it hit this time in the form of a crisp $1 bill courtesy of a GA lotto scratcher. We'll be back more regularly when this dollar finally runs out, but till then, feel free to peruse the archives linked below or maybe go try your luck at the Buford Tote-a-Poke like we did; maybe lightning does strike twice.
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Keep it classy, Gwinnett. This is not a political forum, nor is it place for intolerance or crude behavior of any sort. We are all in this together, so just enjoy the ride.