Dystopian Gwinnett: The Meadows

Gwinnetians entering or leaving Lawrenceville via Grayson Highway have perhaps given a passing glance to The Meadows, a whimsically named parking lot shopping center marked by a neon sign next to the Popeyes, but few have likely considered the implications.

You'll find a variety of bottom-tier enterprises here, including a defunct Big Lots, an unnamed tax accountant, a temp work agency, and just for bonus points, a check-cashing joint next door, but in what sane world could this bleak asphalt grid and collection of dying businesses be considered a meadow?

Seen above, a lone tree defying the odds of this dystopian wasteland, a place where commerce goes to die and perhaps a harbinger of times to come, when the only meadows will be cracked asphalt bathed in a neon glow and the only trees will be pictures in books that no one reads. That, or maybe I've just been watching too much Blade Runner 2049. Below, an actual meadow for reference:
