You might think this house on the corner of Saddle Ridge Drive and New Hope is just another example of the ubiquitous black and white houses that dot Gwinnett like flies on a roadkill possum, but think again. This house knows it is beautiful inside and out, and how many of us can say the same? Robert Palmer once said, "A pretty face don't make no pretty heart," but here's the rare example of both in one.
Gwinnetians, we know you might get down on yourselves from time to time, but just think about it. This house has seen everything New Hope Road can throw at it (which is quite a lot, trust us) and yet maintains its unbridled optimism and self-confidence, so whenever you start to feel those doubts creeping in, just remember this house is beautiful inside and out, and so are you, no matter what your exes say about you.
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