Mulberry Mayhem Continues!

Loyal DG readers are no doubt excited for the Mulberry township referendum coming up on May 21st, but nothing comes easy in Gwinnett and the Mulberry secession is no exception. Just when potential future Mulberrians were set to head to the polls to decide their independence, our intrepid staff has uncovered a lawsuit filed by a Mulberry opponent, suing the Gwinnett County Board of Registration and Elections to stop the referendum dead in its tracks.

We rode out to Hog Mountain, ground zero in the fight for Mulberrian independence, and asked the Man on the Street how he felt about the lawsuit. "The gears of history grind toward freedom," he said, wiping a two-fingered streak of eye black across each cheek. "We, the Mulberry Liberation Front, are ready for this fight. We have trained long in the trenches of our world-class Hog Mountain disc golf course, we will accept nothing less than victory, and no amount of lawsuits or Gwinnett County boot-licking will dissuade us from attaining our destiny."

It remains to be seen if the referendum will move forward on the 21st, but we'll keep you posted and you can find all of our previous reports on the Mulberry Mayhem here:
